Find a Provider, Medicine, or Pharmacy
As an AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio provider, you are a part of a dedicated network that is ready to meet our members' health care needs. We'll work with you to ensure that our members receive access to the quality health care they need.
Our network is designed to provide our members with integrated care. Find other committed providers like you in the directories below.
Find the care our members need
- Search for a provider
Search for a primary care provider (PCP), hospital, or other health care provider.
- Printable provider directory (PDF)
See a printable list of health care providers.
If you notice any errors in your information in the directory, please use practice letterhead to fax the information as it should appear to the attention of Provider Services at 1-833-644-6001 or to your Provider Services Account Executive.
Ohio Department of Medicaid directories
- Ohio Department of Medicaid provider directorySearch for a provider in the Ohio Department of Medicaid provider directory.
- Search for a pharmacy
Use the Ohio Department of Medicaid's Provider Directory Search to find covered pharmacists and pharmacies.
- Ohio Department of Medicaid Unified Preferred Drug List (PDF)
AmeriHealth Caritas Ohio uses the Ohio Department of Medicaid Unified Preferred Drug List. Use this list to find a covered medicine.
Want to join our network?
We're always looking for providers to join our network of care. Learn about joining our provider network today.
Provider data contained within the online directory is updated daily Monday through Friday.
Call Provider Services at 1-833-644-6001.