Wellness and Opportunity Center

Our Mobile Wellness and Opportunity Center is a community hub offering programs that address education, safety, transportation, nutrition, and preventive health services. Join us for classes, wellness events, and health screenings — all at no cost to you.

Upcoming Events

What to expect from our Mobile Wellness and Opportunity Center

From computer kiosks to private locations for health screenings, our state-of-the-art mobile unit brings access to comprehensive care where it is needed most — right in the communities we serve.

Services offered could include:

  • Health education and screenings
  • Healthy food demonstrations and classes
  • Fitness classes
  • Job readiness events
  • Baby showers
  • Training events
  • And much more!

Are you interested in working with us to reach and engage your community members? Would you like to have our mobile unit at your community event? For more information about reserving time in our Mobile Wellness and Opportunity Center, please complete our online form.